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Вижте тази публикация в Instagram. I found Japanese macaque(Snow monkey) mom and baby in the stone. I really really really did my best! Wish you like them and if felt something, I’m so happy!!(This piece is intended for a gallery exhibition in Japan.) 石の中にいたニホンザルの親子。大切に向き合って筆を入れました。やっとやっと、完成です!11月の個展に出品します。 64/100 #art #akie #animal #wildlife #snowmonkey #stoneart #stonepainting #rockart #rockpainting #drawing #painting #japanesemonkey #japanesemacaque Публикация, споделена от Stone Artist Akie (@akie_2525) на Юли 29, 2019 в 4:19 PDT
I found Japanese macaque(Snow monkey) mom and baby in the stone. I really really really did my best! Wish you like them and if felt something, I’m so happy!!(This piece is intended for a gallery exhibition in Japan.) 石の中にいたニホンザルの親子。大切に向き合って筆を入れました。やっとやっと、完成です!11月の個展に出品します。 64/100 #art #akie #animal #wildlife #snowmonkey #stoneart #stonepainting #rockart #rockpainting #drawing #painting #japanesemonkey #japanesemacaque
Публикация, споделена от Stone Artist Akie (@akie_2525) на Юли 29, 2019 в 4:19 PDT