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Вижте тази публикация в Instagram. Today is #worldturtleday 🐢 🐢🐢 This #seaturtle is a tribute to conservation projects like the one we saw in Cyprus. @erinvarvwell , hope you like it:) Made with watermelon, blueberries, cantaloupe, melon, strawberries, cucumber, mango and endive . #fruitart #foodart Публикация, споделена от Sarah Lescrauwaet-Beach (@edible_food_art_for_kids) на Май 23, 2020 в 4:33 PDT
Today is #worldturtleday 🐢 🐢🐢 This #seaturtle is a tribute to conservation projects like the one we saw in Cyprus. @erinvarvwell , hope you like it:) Made with watermelon, blueberries, cantaloupe, melon, strawberries, cucumber, mango and endive . #fruitart #foodart
Публикация, споделена от Sarah Lescrauwaet-Beach (@edible_food_art_for_kids) на Май 23, 2020 в 4:33 PDT