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Вижте тази публикация в Instagram. Enjoying the peace and quiet at home with only 1 child🤣🤣🤣😍😍😍 #toucan fruit platter made with watermelons,red berries, plum, cantaloupe, cucucumber, blueberries and nectarine. Follow me for more yummy fruit creations😍😍😍 #toucans #birdsofinstagram #fruitsbasket #fruitbowl #foodart #foodartist #fruitart#kidsfoodart Публикация, споделена от Sarah Lescrauwaet-Beach (@edible_food_art_for_kids) на Сеп 30, 2020 в 3:56 PDT
Enjoying the peace and quiet at home with only 1 child🤣🤣🤣😍😍😍 #toucan fruit platter made with watermelons,red berries, plum, cantaloupe, cucucumber, blueberries and nectarine. Follow me for more yummy fruit creations😍😍😍 #toucans #birdsofinstagram #fruitsbasket #fruitbowl #foodart #foodartist #fruitart#kidsfoodart
Публикация, споделена от Sarah Lescrauwaet-Beach (@edible_food_art_for_kids) на Сеп 30, 2020 в 3:56 PDT