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Вижте тази публикация в Instagram. We just saw this woodpecker up in a tree (It's looking pretty normal to me.) ___ Hi everyone. Today we’ve been doing the #BigGardenBirdWatch for @rspb_love_nature. I’ll be honest - this isn’t really the woodpecker we saw. The one we saw had two legs. And looked like a sparrow. Actually, I think it was a sparrow. Публикация, споделена от Things I have drawn (@thingsihavedrawn) на Яну 26, 2020 в 8:40 PST
We just saw this woodpecker up in a tree (It's looking pretty normal to me.) ___ Hi everyone. Today we’ve been doing the #BigGardenBirdWatch for @rspb_love_nature. I’ll be honest - this isn’t really the woodpecker we saw. The one we saw had two legs. And looked like a sparrow. Actually, I think it was a sparrow.
Публикация, споделена от Things I have drawn (@thingsihavedrawn) на Яну 26, 2020 в 8:40 PST