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Вижте тази публикация в Instagram. Did you know that Napoleon was most likely 5'7"? That's taller than King Louis XIV. Some say his perceived smaller stature was due to him looking small in comparison to his huge accomplishments. Others say it there was an error when translating his true height from French to English. Who do you think he looks like here? Original portrait by Jacques-Louis David. Публикация, споделена от @ royalty_now_ на Сеп 11, 2019 в 11:13 PDT
Did you know that Napoleon was most likely 5'7"? That's taller than King Louis XIV. Some say his perceived smaller stature was due to him looking small in comparison to his huge accomplishments. Others say it there was an error when translating his true height from French to English. Who do you think he looks like here? Original portrait by Jacques-Louis David.
Публикация, споделена от @ royalty_now_ на Сеп 11, 2019 в 11:13 PDT